Migrating user information to RSBAC

Migrating existing users and groups

Before RSBAC can be used to manage security the existing security infrastructure needs to be imported. This can be accomplished with the following commands:

lisa rsbac_groupadd -v -O
Adding old group root with gid 0 
Adding group root member root 
Adding old group bin with gid 1 
Adding group bin member root 
lisa rsbac_useradd -v -O
Account root seems to be disabled, disabling password 
Adding old user root 
Account bin seems to be disabled, disabling password 
Adding old user bin 
Account daemon seems to be disabled, disabling password 
Adding old user daemon 

Resetting passwords

As you may have noticed during the above procedure the password has been disabled for all accounts. This is because we have selected SHA1 password hashing and the PAM system uses MD5. Before anyone can login to the system their password will need to be reset.

lisa rsbac_passwd -n
lisa rsbac_passwd -n secoff
lisa rsbac_passwd -n audit
This includes the passwords which were assigned to the Security Officer and Auditor accounts earlier.

Replacing existing tools

As you have probably noticed from the above commands RSBAC provides new applications for managing users, groups and passwords. To ensure that these commands are used to manage security settings from now on it is a good idea to mask the existing tools using symbolic links in a path directory with higher priority. This way calls to these tools will be "intercepted" and passed to the RSBAC tools instead.