Building and Installing an RSBAC kernel

Building the kernel

Once we have configured the kernel with the required options we can build it in the normal way using make.

lisa linux make

Installing the kernel

Once the kernel has been built we can copy it to our boot partition.

lisa linux mount /boot
lisa linux cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/kernel-2.6.14-rsbac-hardened-r1-max1
lisa linux cp /boot/
lisa linux cp .config /boot/config-2.6.14-rsbac-hardened-r1-max1

Reconfiguring GRUB

Now we need to edit our GRUB configuration file to boot this kernel as the default.

lisa linux nano -w /boot/grub/grub.conf

Insert the following lines as the first bootable entry in the file. If you have made a recovery partition then remember to put this entry after the recovery options.

title=Gentoo Linux 2.6.14-rsbac-hardened-r1 Max-1
root (hd0,0)
kernel /kernel-2.6.14-rsbac-hardened-r1-max1 root=/dev/ida/c0d0p5 rsbac_softmode
savedefault fallback
If you omit the rsbac_softmode kernel option at this stage you will not be able to login as the /bin/login application has not yet been granted set_uid rights.
The rsbac_softmode kernel option should be removed once configuration is complete. It allows the system to report the access denied errors which would occur had RSBAC been active without actually stopping them.


Now that GRUB has been reconfigured to boot our new kernel, and our old kernel is still available in case of difficulties, we can unmount the boot partition and reboot.

lisa linux umount /boot
lisa linux shutdown -r now